Stop Heads with Screws

Stop Heads with Screws
メーカー Monotrac
商品名 Stop Heads with Screws
商品番号 V2SH
$23.00 (約3,565円)
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Stop Heads are used for capture into free end cases via the Monotrac Pic-up cups. Their use is best demonstated in the full arch video or instruction sheet. Stop Heads feature average value cuspid rise lateral ramps of 53 degrees which can be reduced for flatter full function occlusion. The adjustable stop screw is easily repositioned in the event the bite must be changed. Stops can be placed at any location to obtain tripod stability on free-end posterior, anterior or full round house cases for rigid vertical axis and solid centric location.
Note: The Monotrac Horizontal Die and Full Arch VSP set ups require both Stop Heads and Cylinder Heads for free-end vertical stop requirements
